My good friend Sam Huss, Principal Trumpet of the Richmond Symphony Orchestra, created this step-by-step guide to creating your own Quick Mute Change Apparatus, which I featured in my Trumpet Nerd’s Dream Setup video on YouTube.
What is a Quick Mute Change Apparatus?
A “quick mute change apparatus” is a device that can be used to facilitate a very quick mute change, without the use of your hands. The design featured in this article clamps to the music stand, but there are other versions can be made using a microphone stand base.
Maybe the most common use case for this apparatus (at least in the orchestral trumpet world) is the opening of the fourth movement of Mahler’s 1st Symphony. The beginning of the movement has famously fast mute changes, and the muted lick requires both hands because it ends on a Db, which requires throwing out the 3rd slide.
Build Your Own Quick Mute Change Apparatus!
By Sam Huss
ITEMS NEEDED (from top left to bottom right):
2-inch spring clamp (~$0.99)
12 inches of 6/3 UFB wire or similar wide ground wire (~$6)
Small machine screw/washer/nut (~$2)
3-5 inch dryer hose clamp (~$4)
Foam weather stripping (~$5)
Electrical tape (~$3)
TOOLS NEEDED: drill, screwdriver, pliers
Step 1
Drill a hole near the end of the wire for the screw to pass through. Repeat this step on the other end of the wire.
Step 2
Attach spring clamp to one end of the wire with screw, washer, and nut.
Step 3
Drill a hole in the hose clamp and attach to other end of the wire with screw, washer, and nut.
Step 4
Wrap screw and wire ends with electrical tape and press weather stripping into hose clamp
Step 5
Use screw driver to adjust hose clamp to fit around mute
Step 6
Repeat for your friends and your section is ready for Mahler!
Demonstration - by Sam Huss
Sam Huss - Principal Trumpet, Richmond Symphony Orchestra
Demonstrating part of the opening of the 4th mvt of Mahler Symphony No. 1
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