Below is a list of instruments in my current collection, most of which I use on a regular basis as a performing musician (Updated October 2023)
B-FLAT TrumpetS
Yamaha YTR-9335CHII Bb Trumpet
Yamaha YTR-9335CHIII (Gen 3) Bb tuning slide
Yamaha YTR-9335CHIII (Gen 3) custom trumpet in A tuning slide & 1st and 3rd valve spacers (Osmun)
Main Tuning Slide Trigger setup for both Bb and A slides (Melk)
Vented 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pistons (Melk/Sweeney)
1st slide stop screw (Sweeney)
Additional 3rd slide stop screw for 3rd valve alternate/drop F fingerings (Melk)
Bajoc Ergonomic Valve Guides
Bajoc Harmonic Waterkey Plug
Original Yamaha YTR-9335CHII (Gen 2) Bb tuning slide
Getzen Eterna 700S Bb Trumpet
Yamaha 9335CHSII Bb - 1st stop slide screw (Sweeney)
Yamaha 9335CHSII Bb - Custom Trumpet in A tuning slide with Main Tuning Slide Trigger setup (Melk)
Yamaha 9335CHSII Bb - Custom spacers for trumpet in A (Osmun)
Yamaha 9335CHSII Bb - Main Tuning Slide Trigger setup for Gen 3 Bb tuning slide
Yamaha 9335CHSII Bb - Bajoc Harmonic Waterkey Plug
Yamaha 9335CHSII Bb - Additional 3rd slide stop screw for 3rd valve alternate/drop F fingerings (Melk)
Yamaha 9335CHSII Bb - Bajoc Ergonomic Valve Guides
Yamaha 9335CHSII Bb - Original Chicago Gen 2 Bb tuning slide
Getzen Eterna 700S Bb with stock Amado waterkey
C Trumpet
Yamaha YTR-9445CHII C Trumpet
Yamaha YTR-9445CHIII (Gen 3) C tuning slide
Main Tuning Slide Trigger (Melk)
Vented 1st and 3rd pistons (Melk/Sweeney)
1st slide stop screw (Sweeney)
Bajoc Harmonic Waterkey Plug
Original Yamaha YTR-9445CHII (Gen 2) C tuning slide & YTR-9445CHI (Gen 1) C tuning slide
Yamaha 9445CHSII C - Main Tuning Slide Trigger mechanism (Melk)
Yamaha 9445CHSII C - Vented Piston Valve (Melk/Sweeney)
Yamaha 9445CHSII C - 1st slide stop screw (Sweeney)
Yamaha 9445CHSII C - Bajoc Harmonic Waterkey Plug
Yamaha 9445CHSII C - Original Yamaha Chicago Gen 2 C tuning slide with Main Tuning Slide Trigger (Melk)
Yamaha 9445CHSII C - Yamaha Chicago Gen 1 Tuning Slide
E-flat/D Trumpets
Yamaha YTR-9636 Eb/D Trumpet
Vented 1st and 3rd pistons (Osmun/Sweeney)
1st slide stop screw (Sweeney)
Bajoc Harmonic Plugs on both Eb and D tuning slides
Has both Eb/D length main tuning slides and 1st/3rd valve slides
Schilke E3L Eb/D Trumpet
Tuning saddle installed on Eb bell
Has both Eb/D length bells and 1st/2nd/3rd valve slides
Eb and D bells are both the “beryllium” model
Yamaha 9636 Eb/D - 1st slide stop screw (Sweeney)
Yamaha 9636 Eb/D - Bajoc Harmonic Waterkey Plug (D tuning slide)
Schilke E3L with D slides
Piccolo Trumpets
Yamaha YTR-9710 G/F Sopranino Trumpet
Vented 1st and 3rd pistons (Sweeney)
adjustable 1st valve trigger for both G/F 1st slides (Sweeney)
Tuning rings installed on G and F bells (Sweeney)
Additional 3rd valve slide with +1 whole step rotor valve (Sweeney)
Notched 3rd slide stop rod to allow for extra throw
Yamaha YTR-9825 Bb/A Piccolo Trumpet
additional no rotor 3rd valve slide
Yamaha YTR-9830 Bb/A Piccolo Trumpet
Vented 1st and 3rd pistons (Melk/Sweeney)
adjustable 1st slide trigger (Sweeney)
3rd ring added (Melk)
3rd slide stopper added (Melk)
Yamaha YTR-991 C Piccolo Trumpet
replacement 3rd slide (Meridian)
3rd valve slide ring (Sweeney)
3rd valve slide stopper (Sweeney)
Bajoc Harmonic Waterkey Plug (on 3rd slide)
Yamaha 9710 G/F: Adjustable 1st valve trigger (Sweeney)
Yamaha 9710 G/F: Adjustable 1st valve trigger (Sweeney)
Yamaha 9710 G/F: Tuning ring installed on the G bell (Sweeney)
Yamaha 9710 G/F: Tuning ring installed on the F bell (Sweeney)
Yamaha 9710 G/F: Additional custom 3rd valve slide with whole step rotor valve, right (Sweeney)
Yamaha 9710 G/F: Additional custom 3rd valve slide with whole step rotor valve, left (Sweeney)
Yamaha 9710 G/F: notched 3rd slide stop rod to allow for extra throw
Yamaha 9825 Bb/A: Stock rotor 3rd valve slide (front)
Yamaha 9825 Bb/A: Stock rotor 3rd valve slide (back)
Yamaha 9825 Bb/A: No rotor 3rd valve slide (Yamaha 9820C replacement part)
Yamaha 9830 Bb/A: adjustable 1st slide trigger, left (Sweeney)
Yamaha 9830 Bb/A: adjustable 1st slide trigger, right (Sweeney)
Yamaha 9830 Bb/A: 3rd slide stopper and 3rd valve slide ring added (Melk/Sweeney)
Yamaha 9830 Bb/A: 3rd slide stopper closeup (Melk/Sweeney)
Yamaha 991 C Piccolo: Replacement 3rd slide (Meridian) and 3rd valve slide ring (Sweeney)
Yamaha 991 C Piccolo: 3rd valve slide stopper (Sweeney)
Yamaha 991 C Piccolo: Bajoc Harmonic Waterkey Plug
Rotary Trumpet
Weimann C “Passion” Rotary Trumpet
stock 1st/3rd combo trigger
stock vented 1st and 3rd rotors
Weimann/Meridian additional main tuning slide w/ 4th rotor valve: M2 (low E) and P4 (low D) slide lengths
Custom cut/fitted Bach 25H leadpipe, Weimann X, A, and D leadpipes
Weimann Passion C: Stock vented 1st rotor
Weimann Passion C: Stock vented 3rd rotor
Weimann Passion C: Original Main Tuning slide with C, A, and D klappen/vent keys (listed top to bottom)
Weimann Passion C: Additional custom main tuning slide with 4th rotor valve set to M2 (Bajoc/Meridian)
Weimann Passion C: Additional custom main tuning slide with 4th rotor valve set to M2, underside (Bajoc/Meridian)
Weimann Passion C: Additional custom main tuning slide with 4th rotor valve set to P4 (Bajoc/Meridian)
Weimann Passion C: Both main tuning slides: original and custom main tuning slide w/ 4th rotor valve with P4 slide length (Bajoc/Meridian)
Weimann Passion C: Custom main tuning slide with 4th rotor valve set to M2, with 1 set of extensions (Bajoc/Meridian)
Weimann Passion C: Custom main tuning slide with 4th rotor valve set to M2, with 1 set of extensions, valve linkage view (Bajoc/Meridian)
Weimann Passion C: closeup of additional main tuning slide with 4th rotor valve, set to P4 length, with 2 sets of extensions, slide view (Bajoc/Meridian)
Weimann Passion C: Closeup of additional custom main tuning slide with 4th rotor valve (Bajoc/Meridian)
Weimann D and A leadpipes, and custom Bach 25H leadpipe
Yamaha YCR-2310 Bb Cornet
1st and 3rd valve slide rings (Sweeney)
Vented 1st and 3rd pistons (Sweeney)
Getzen 3810S C Cornet
Vented 3rd piston
3rd slide stop screw moved further out for better low F
3rd valve slide shortened for more pitch flexibility on 3rd valve notes
Yamaha 2310 Bb Cornet: 1st valve slide ring (Sweeney)
Yamaha 2310 Bb Cornet: 3rd valve slide ring (Sweeney)
Getzen 3810S C Cornet: 3rd slide stop screw moved further out for better low F
Yamaha YFL-731 Bb Flugelhorn
Vented 1st and 3rd pistons (Sweeney)
1st valve trigger created and installed (Sweeney)
Yamaha 3rd slide trigger kit installed, with amado water key also installed for convenience (Melk)
Yamaha 731 Flugelhorn - 1st valve trigger fabricated and installed (Sweeney)
Yamaha 731 Flugelhorn - Yamaha 3rd slide trigger kit installed (Melk)
Yamaha 731 Flugelhorn - both 1st and 3rd slide triggers
Playable Antiques
London Besson “Prototype” New Creation Bb/A Trumpet (~1923)
1st and 3rd slides reversed and saddled (Sweeney)
Vented 3rd piston (Sweeney)
3rd slide stop screw added (Sweeney)
Valve rebuild by Anderson Plating in 1990s
L.A. Schmidt/Josef Monke Bb Rotary Trumpet (~1920s)
Holton Holton-Clarke Model C/Bb/A Cornet
Besson original 1923 case
Besson original 1923 case
Small shank trumpet mouthpieces for Besson - Besson "Prototype" model (left) and Bach 1C 23 throat (right)
Besson: 1st slide saddle reversed and saddled (Sweeney)
Besson: 3rd slide reversed and saddled, with stop screw added (Sweeney)
Besson Barillet (quick change rotor) Valve closeup
Restoration Projects
Couesnon Monopole C/B/Bb/A Trumpet (~1930s)
needs a valve job
needs saddles/rings 1st and 3rd valve slides
tuning slide has 2 rotors/barillets (minor 2nd and major 2nd lengths)
comes with certificate of purchase in 193x
F. Besson Bb Flugelhorn (~1895)
Has a “gussetted” bell (check out the diagonal seam on the bell)
needs a SERIOUS valve job (or a donor ~.413” valve block)
needs 1st and 3rd triggers
might vent 1st and 3rd pistons after triggers added?
Bach Stradivarius New York 37/7 Medium Bore (1950)
install vents on 1st and 3rd valve pistons
chrome valves need to be refit
remove aftermarket lacquer
move 3rd slide ring closer to valve block.
reverse 3rd slide stop rod so it faces out instead of in
install low F length stop rod
refit loose 2nd valve slide
Bach Stradivarius Elkhart 229/25H (1973)
Formerly belonged to Frank Tucker, Former 2nd Trumpet of the Charlotte Symphony
Already been modified to have a tunable/removable bell and removable leadpipe
install vents on 1st and 3rd valve pistons
Install 3rd slide stop rod (low F)
Remove tunable bell bracket from valve block
Remove custom removable leadpipe connectors from valve block and leadpipe
Rebrace and reconstruct as a non-modular C trumpet
You can see some of the modifications to my Yamaha Bb trumpet in one of my earliest YouTube videos - it’s out of date now, only featuring info about the Melk main tuning slide trigger, the vented valves, and the shorter set 3rd slide stop screw. You might still find it enlightening anyway.